Structure and meetings

The Local Resilience Forum (LRF) is the principal mechanism for multi-agency cooperation under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004. The Dorset LRF is based on the Dorset Constabulary boundary which is the same as the political County boundary.

The Local Resilience Forum is a process by which the organisations on which the duty falls co-operate with each other. The LRF is not a statutory body but it is a statutory process, however, it doesn’t have powers to direct its members.

The Dorset LRF is led by the LRF Executive Group and provides the framework for the effective delivery of the statutory duties under the Civil Contingencies Act. The Dorset Civil Contingencies Unit manages the day to day running of the business of the Local Resilience Forum and ensures it delivers against the strategy

Dorset Local Resilience Forum meetings

Executive Group

The Executive Group is chaired by the Chief Constable of Dorset and is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Dorset Local Resilience Forum and ensuring that through the Business Management Group and the Dorset Civil Contingencies Unit the Strategy is delivered. The Dorset LRF meets quarterly and is attended by Chief Officers/ Deputy Chief Executive and Director Level to ensure that decisions can be made at each meeting. 

Business Management Group

The Business Management Group (BMG) is chaired by the Head of Dorset Civil Contingencies Unit and is responsible for implementing the strategic direction set by the LRF Executive Group.

The Head of Dorset Civil Contingencies Unit is responsible for creating, maintaining and monitoring progress on the project work plan and reporting this to the BMG for discussion. The Business Management Group approves new projects and amendments to the work plan, authorises all completed work and maintains a robust monitoring process.

The Business Management Group is responsible for identifying risks and issues associated with the LRF and the work plan and escalating them where appropriate to the LRF Executive. 

Community Risk Working Group

The Community Risk Working Group (CRWG) is responsible for the delivery of the Community Risk Register and providing a tool that underpins the work undertaken by the Local Resilience Forum. The CRWG is chaired by the Head of the Dorset Civil Contingencies Unit and meets on a monthly basis. It can also be convened at short notice if there is an escalation of a risk.

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